Centercourt Florham Park

Florham Park - Offerings

View our offerings at the Centercourt Florham Park


Adult tennis

From the beginner to the seasoned tennis player, we have the tennis classes to improve your game.

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Junior Development Tennis

Our junior tennis programs provide players with a solid technical tennis foundation that is complemented by an athletic-skills training component


Performance Tennis

Designed for the serious, committed tennis player with the aspiration to develop thier skills to the highest possible level.

Florham Park

Tennis Court Rentals

Centercourt offers several different options to suit the needs of any level tennis player. Players can choose to reserve court time on an hourly basis or improve their tennis skills by participating in a group program setting. For customers looking to lock in their preferred day and time for the entire season, we offer a 36-week indoor season.

For more information, contact

Location Highlights & Amenities

Florham Park Highlights & Amenities

With extensive renovations over the last few years and under the stewardship of Managing Partner Clay Bibbee, Centercourt Athletic Club has made its mark as the premier tennis lifestyle destination in NJ.

54,000 sq. ft. Building

Tennis - Youth/Adult

UTR Tournament Facility

Performance Training

6 Tennis Courts

Modern Lobby & Member Fitness & Locker Rooms

Centercourt Florham Park

Whether you are looking for exercise or competitive UTR tournament play, Florham Park offers the amenities and programming to satisfy every level of tennis player.

  • Address

    299 Columbia Turnpike, Florham Park, NJ 07932

  • Phone

    (973) 822-1900

  • Hours Of Operation

    Monday - Friday | 6:30am - 10:00pm
    Saturday & Sunday | 8:00am - 10:00pm